Password Purchase
1. About our Password Protected Posts & Pages
2. Premium Website Access
3. How to Use Your Password
4. Read Important Notices
Unless otherwise stated, eBooks are sold separately.
1. About our Password Protected Posts & Pages
Welcome. We're glad you're here! Aplus eBooks was designed to assist you with increasing your overall Florida Bar Exam scores. We primarily focus on Part A of the exam (Day 1, The Florida Portion), although we do have some old MBE practice questions available on our website. All of our Part A resources, materials, and workbooks were drafted by students and attorneys who passed the Florida Bar Exam. We are not a bar review prep course; rather, we are here to supplement your prep course. We hope the information on our website proves to be a helpful companion during the course of your Florida Bar Exam studies.
2. Premium Website Access $98
With access to our database of 100 practice mock multiple-choice questions, you can test your knowledge of Florida law and use our comprehensive explanations to help you understand the reasoning behind the correct answer. We've also included 75 flashcards/TF questions relating to the Florida Rules of Civil Procedure and Florida Criminal Law distinctions to help advance your studies and strengthen your understanding of Florida law. As you probably know by now, to be successful on the Florida Bar Exam, you must know the black letter law and Florida law distinctions. Our interactive questions aid you in achieving that objective.
As a Premium Password purchaser, you will also have access to downloadable PDFs, substantive law notes/outlines, exam grading information, flowcharts, a list of frequently tested essay and multiple-choice subjects, a 20-year essay chart/graph, and exam predictions for the upcoming exam.
Whether you're an exam repeater, an out-of-state applicant, a self-studier, or a first-time test-taker, our resources are designed to help you excel on the Florida Bar Exam so that you can meet your goal, hope, and expectation of becoming a licensed attorney here in the Sunshine State.
This is a list of some of the posts, pages, and categories for which a Premium Password purchase works:
1. Practice MC Questions & Flashcards
2. Grading, Essay Writing, IRAC
3. Outlines, Notes, Checklists
Unless otherwise stated, workbooks are sold separately.
Password purchases do not include answering exam-related questions. If need be, ask us about tutoring and/or coaching.
*Exam predictions are posted 4 weeks prior to the exam.*
3. How to Use Your Password
Following your purchase, you will be directed to a page with your assigned password. You don't need a username, just your password. When you are ready to sign in, we recommend going to the login page and typing in your password. From there, you can use the page's drop-down menu to begin navigating your way around. We will follow up with you via email regarding your purchase.
Here is an example of what a password-protected post or page looks like:

4. Read Important Notices
Password Purchase$98 (plus 6% service tax)
Tested Essay Subjects 2003-2024
Premium Password Menu
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