Be Still & Know

Be Still & Know that He is God This video was made in early 2018, following a school shooting in Parkland, Florida. On February 14, 2018, a young gunman opened fire at Stoneman Douglas High School, killing 17 people and injuring another 17. The 19-year-old gunman was a former Douglas High School student. To...

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2018 MBE FL Reciprocity

2018 MBE FL Reciprocity The Florida Supreme Court enacted a change to the Florida Bar Admissions process. Applicants from other jurisdictions can finally transfer their passing MBE scores to Florida! Prior to November 30, 2017, Florida was known as a “Non-Reciprocity State”. Thankfully, that rule no longer applies. This is excellent news for those...

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Internet Beta Testing?

Internet Beta Testing? — More Hassles Coming for the U.S.? October 01, 2016, Internet Changes We are not going to delve into our own personal opinions as to what has taken place regarding the world wide web (www). Instead, we hope that our readers have been keeping up with what has been taking place regarding the...

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2017 MBE Real Property Changes

Beginning February 2017, there will be changes to the MBE Real Property questions. The NCBE recently announced that the 2017 MBE Real Property “topics will be slightly reordered and revised,” and will include some “minor modifications”. The new “slightly reordered and revised” topics will include: 1. Conflicts of law (I.D.4.); 2. Property owners’ associations and...

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